Lucky, a dog who has been locked in a basement for four years, then left without anyone home for the past three months, is taken by King County Animal Control from the home in Shoreline, WA on September 29, 2010. Unfortunately his freedom is only seconds long as he was loaded into an animal control truck and carted away where he will be put in a cage at the animal shelter in Kent, WA, despite rescue groups on the scene who were willing to take him. The vet at KCACC shelter in Kent, WA (who wouldn't allow photos taken) said that the dog appears in relatively fine health. Lucky is a 27 pound American Eskimo mix. The owners told animal control he is about 9 years old. On the vet's examining table he was visibly very scared. He had some matted fur and feces on his exceptionally heavy coat. He is male and not neutered. Regional Manager of Animal Services, Ken Nakatsu, said the house was clean when officers inspected it. The owners told the inspectors that Lucky had the run of the house and only used the basement when he needed to poop. The fate of this dog is unknown as a criminal investigation is underway. (photo © Karen Ducey 2010). .